Disordered Eating


The most important thing to know about us, is that it's all about you

This isn't just a job for us. Every person you meet at Immersive is energised by their devotion to helping others. Each day we see the power that psychology has to possibly change people's lives. We got huge enjoyment from seeing someone's growth — wounds are repaired, and they flourish and thrive. We hope you feel this genuine care and empathy every time you step into Immersive, and it nurtures and energises you across your journey.

Our boutique clinic has been built around the philosophy of creating deep, meaningful change.

At Immersive, our name reflects our goal for you — that together, we will push beyond the surface level to achieve deep, meaningful change.

Our scientist practitioners use only evidence-based therapies and services to create change on a deeper level. In doing this, we seek to minimise the need for ongoing strategies and 'coping mechanisms'.

Effectiveness is vital to us. We seek to support the entire individual and tackle a problem with integrative care based on reasearch. We want every client to leave us feeling they have achieved something significant and meaningful and carry that positive momentum into their lives.


We are a safe compassionate space.

We do our best work when a genuine connection is created between us. When you feel safe and supported, we are able to connect collaboratively. We meet you wherever you are with empathy and unconditional positive regard.


We've been on this journey too.

It is important to us that we practice what we preach. We've utilised various therapies and done the work necessary to push through to meaningful change. And because life is a journey, we continue to seek out opportunities for self-reflection and improvement. This is important because it allows us to authentically empathise with you as you walk your own path. We also believe that by continually working to better understand ourselves and improve our own wellbeing, we are better equipped to apply our skills and therapies and provide a meaningful environment of change for every client.

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